Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Just a quick post as I am watching a workstation update...

Yesterday was a hard day for me. I blame it on work, but not sure that is it. Yes, I am upset that I have to work on Friday...out of town even, but it is a good thing I have a job, no? What is it then? Something underneath the surface is nagging at me...haven't figured out what yet though.

A cool part of the day yesterday morning was before I left for work, I heard Evan tell Nicole that he and Ethan would do their best to listen and obey today. It was one of those moments you just think is cool...maybe we aren't doing a bad job, maybe things are soaking in. I hope so...I know I have a lot of work to do in my attitude, my responses to situations, etc., which brings me to the next thing I wanted to post...

I read another blog entry today from Andrew Schwab about forgiveness. He had some great things to say. Some of the people who posted some comments afterwards had some good things to say...if you look past the ones that seem to be agreeing with him because of who he is. It is a good article and has some good points, but it always seems to come down to the same thing in life: PRIDE. We have too much of it and it is usually our downfall. Even Christ was tempted with pride from Lucifer in the desert. Problem is pride is very strong in our lives and Christ was able to humble himself past the pride...and He had everything to be prideful about. Another reason we are to become like Christ. Will we ever get past pride totally in our lives? Doubtful...but we are supposed to try. Read the article and see what you think:
Andrew Schwab Blog

Hoping to get out of work is after all, Christmas Eve. Happy Incarnation to all!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Powell endorsement

I love this excerpt from the blog from Stu with the Glenn Beck can click on the link to go to his full blog:

Glenn went over some of the reasons why Colin Powell said he endorsed Barack Obama on Meet the Press: 

"I think he is a transformational figure" 
"He is a new generation coming" 
"Because of his ability to inspire" 
"Because of the inclusive nature of his campaign" 
"Because he is reaching out all across America" 
"Because of who he is" 
"His rhetorical abilities" 
"He has both style and substance" 

Apparently to Powell, this is "the standard of being a successful president, being an exceptional president." 


I’m not one to care about who endorses who, and I don’t think endorsements generally matter that much. This probably is about as big as they get, and I still don’t know if it will change too many people’s minds at this point. 

More importantly though-- shouldn't democrats shun Powell's endorsement? I mean, reject it out of hand. This is THE guy who "lied" to you about WMDs. Remember that? 

Monday, October 06, 2008

habitat show

Good evening.

Went to the Music Builds Tour last night in OKC.  Red, Jars of Clay, Robert Randolph and The Family Band, switchfoot and Third Day.

All had great the end they were all on stage (except Red) and sang, 'When Love Comes to Town'..the old U2 song.  All in all...great show!

More later.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Four things I liked about today...

1) Driving in the sunny weather thinking about my boys playing on the playground

2) Talking to the boys and Nicole while eating dinner and listening about their day at school

3) Video taping the boys acting very silly

4) Going to a client at 9pm and not having to stay very long!  :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Been awhile...thought I would share something of my day.

Started out with watching it rain through the office window after the wife and kids left for school, I like to watch it rain.

Went to a client and even though I had to reload a workstation because of a nasty bug, I had fun because the people that work there are fun.

Was asked 7 questions in a group setting at church tonight and mine was, "What is something God has been showing you lately?"  I said He has been showing me that I am selfish and talked to my group about it.  But then, Rob walked around to the groups and had someone pick out a number and whomever had that question had to tell the entire congregation what they had answered...and it was me.  So then I told everyone there that God had been showing me I am selfish and that I need to change.  That was fun.  :-|

My day in a nutshell.


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

jon foreman

Just a quick note (it's been awhile)...

If you have not heard the Jon Foreman solo stuff (singer for Switchfoot)...check it out. He has released four EP's called 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall' and 'Winter'. You can download them or have them shipped to you.

Go here!


Thursday, May 22, 2008


Man...what a couple of weeks. I think my brain has almost passed out. I have one more day of studying and exams and then I will board the plane back home with four more initials after my name. Is it worth it? Me not being with Nicole when her brother died and missing the funeral even? She seems to think so...she says I am taking care of the family by doing it.

I wanted to do this, but I was torn as well. Get it all done in a short amount of time and then focus on the roll outs and the details of the system when I return back to town.

It is going to be good. CUCM is a cool product and will be fun to work I glad I am getting this opportunity. It never hurts to have a Cisco Professional level certification either!

So...tomorrow around noon Pacific time, I will be taking the last test to get my Cisco Certified Voice Professional certification and flying back into town! Woo hoo!

Wish me luck!


Thursday, May 01, 2008


Reading through Proverbs this morning, I ran across this...a sidebar in my Bible (the Strive edition for Men). It talks about the dangers of adultery...something every man has struggled with, struggling with or will struggle with at some time in their marriage. It was an issue back then, it is an issue now...check out the warnings below (first the scripture, then the sidebar):

Wisdom will save you from the adulterous woman, from the wayward woman with her seductive words, who has left the partner of her youth and ignored the covenant she made before God. Surely her house leads down to death and her paths to the spirits of the dead. None who go to her return or attain the paths of life.
Proverbs 2:16-19

If you've ever toyed with the idea of having an affair, you know how strong the allure of a new sexual conquest can be. That thrill of erotic pursuit can have a hypnotizing effect on guys - to the point that we block out all else, including common sense.
If you're under such a spell, this passage in Proverbs should act as a slap in the face. Something to wake you from your fantasy world.
Regardless of how smooth or calculating you think you are, you can't pursue an affair without destroying what you have with your wife. That's a given. Experts may tell you that relationships can be pieced back together after an affair. But things can never be the same as they were before. There are no 'do-overs' where faithfulness is involved.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Having no house of your own is weird. Although, I drove by the house today and it is coming along...I will think about posting a picture of it sometime.

Three things about today that were cool...

1) The coffee tasted extra good this morning! :)

2) More coffee at the office...whenever Craig and I are at the office at the same time, there is usually coffee involved

3) Getting the B-ACD script working correctly on the phone system

Until next time...


Wednesday, April 09, 2008


OK...going to talk about three things a little later, but an update on things first.
Sold the house last week and moved into a friend's house that is on the market, but empty since they are living in their new house already. Been there for about a week and a it is sold and we have to be out of it by the 18th! What fun. Of course, we are going to be house hopping with friends until the new house is finished, which is about the end of May, first of June.
No worries though...God is in control.

Man...the storms the other night! Holy cow! Thought the windows were going to blow out from the wind and the hail...have to love that Oklahoma weather!

Here are my three things for today...or yesterday I should say!

1) Having time to go through some scripture with the Lord before work...misc scripture that talks about being just and merciful; but also Old Testament scripture that points to grace; God wanting us and our hearts, not the empty sacrifices that we offer in lieu of a right heart

2) Getting to have lunch with a good friend and talking about misc things and getting his input on issues

3) Getting a shampoo and haircut...gotta love the feeling of someone else washing your hair

Have to get to work...and watch the radar for that incoming weather! Sweet!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Sitting in Dizzy Beans coffee shop in Gulf Shores, is fair, definitely not Doubleshot.

I don't know if you have read lately about people wanting to be kidding? One of the ways they say to help with that is to journal everyday about things that are positive. Cool...I get that...focus on the positive. There are other things though...maybe filling that empty hole in your heart with the only thing that can fill it...God. Hmmm....novel concept. This Easter Sunday may just be the time to go to your local church to find out more about the Risen Lord. He fills me up every matter how many times I mess up and what not. That's the beauty of grace. :)

Anyway...I still like the idea of thinking about the positive things in life. Journaling about them. There is a website/blog that does just that, Three Beautiful Things. Check it out.

Here are my three things for today:

1) Being awakened by the rising sun in Alabama after a good night's sleep

2) Having both of my boys curl up with me on the couch to watch Curious George while I drink my coffee

3) Seeing God's strength and glory in the waves of the ocean this week

Quick and to the point...I could list more, but I have to run to get the wife and kids after seeing a movie!
