Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Just a quick post as I am watching a workstation update...

Yesterday was a hard day for me. I blame it on work, but not sure that is it. Yes, I am upset that I have to work on Friday...out of town even, but it is a good thing I have a job, no? What is it then? Something underneath the surface is nagging at me...haven't figured out what yet though.

A cool part of the day yesterday morning was before I left for work, I heard Evan tell Nicole that he and Ethan would do their best to listen and obey today. It was one of those moments you just think is cool...maybe we aren't doing a bad job, maybe things are soaking in. I hope so...I know I have a lot of work to do in my attitude, my responses to situations, etc., which brings me to the next thing I wanted to post...

I read another blog entry today from Andrew Schwab about forgiveness. He had some great things to say. Some of the people who posted some comments afterwards had some good things to say...if you look past the ones that seem to be agreeing with him because of who he is. It is a good article and has some good points, but it always seems to come down to the same thing in life: PRIDE. We have too much of it and it is usually our downfall. Even Christ was tempted with pride from Lucifer in the desert. Problem is pride is very strong in our lives and Christ was able to humble himself past the pride...and He had everything to be prideful about. Another reason we are to become like Christ. Will we ever get past pride totally in our lives? Doubtful...but we are supposed to try. Read the article and see what you think:
Andrew Schwab Blog

Hoping to get out of work is after all, Christmas Eve. Happy Incarnation to all!

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