Saturday, April 29, 2006


Golf is a brutal sport. Brutal in the fact that I cannot defeat it. :) I do love to get out there on the course and play a round when I can though. David and I played Thursday...a guy named Scott joined us and played the course with us. We were at White Hawk in Bixby. Good time had by all, but man do I stink at golf! Except for the 16th hole...I actually made par on that hole. The rest of them though...not so good. Bogey, double bogey...triple bogey. Just call me Humphrey. Scott did give me a couple of pointers in my grip of the club...corrected my hitting the ball to the right, especially my PW. Now I have to work on my aim...after playing a while and standing to correct your errors, when you actually correct them in the proper manner, you have to modify your game.
I wish I could play more...I would probably get better. Practice makes perfect, right? Maybe I can head out to the driving range more often this season. I need to do something.

Rain...can you say, rain? Lots of it. You see, here in Oklahoma, we have been in a drought lately. Serious drought. We have been in a Fire Alert/Burn Ban for the past couple of months it has been so dry. Well...I think all of that is changing. Yesterday we received about 1.2 inches of, I would say about the same of not more. Ponca City has been worse...yesterday they got 3.2 I believe and still getting more today. We did need it, that's for sure. The ground has been so dry though, that the rain is not soaking into the ground as fast as it is falling. Which causes some flooding in the streets and creeks. But, I think it is getting in the ground fairly well right now though...we still have standing water, but the ground is lapping it up as quick as it can already see things turning green again...pretty cool.

Kids. What can you say about the kids, I say to myself. I just got out of their room telling them to take a nap. Don't know if they are going to though. They are so wound up. We bought them new baseball hats today...Evan got a Sooners one and Ethan got a Pokes one. Uncle D will be so proud. Of Ethan's hat that is. So, of course, they wanted to wear them to bed for their nap. Nothing doing we can have them back when you get up. Now I think they are thinking...hmmm...get them back after nap, huh? Let's just not take one...yeah. We get the hats back, everyone's happy. They are getting crazier everyday I think.
It is pretty cool though, how they are growing up. New challenges daily though...with discipline and how to handle things. We have to start thinking about getting that thumb out of Ethan's mouth. He doesn't have it in there constantly, but too much I think. If I say something to him about his thumb being in his mouth, he will take it out for a second, but then Evan will stick his thumb in his mouth and then I look back at Ethan and his is back in too. See what I mean...crazier. But, it is getting more fun to interact with them though. The other say we let them try something called 'Veggy Booty'. Some kind of weird rice cake type chips with seaweed and other nasty stuff...but healthier than Cheetos. :) They liked them. They thought since I picked them up for them that they were daddy's chips. So when Ethan wanted more...he said he wanted more Daddy's booty. Great. Tell that one to the neighbors. I want Daddy's booty...that will go over real well. The life and times of 2 year old twins. Interesting. Never boring.

I gave in the other day at the store. Couldn't help it. There they were. On sale. Taunting me. Winking at me in their blue packaging. I couldn't resist...2 for $4. That's a deal brother. So I grabbed a package...I thought that it was better to get just one at $2 than to get two at 50lbs, if you know what I am singing. But, I did it. I bought the bag of Oreos. I had the intention of taking them to work because I wouldn't eat them all at once there. Just a few here and there when I was in the office. I even put them in my car to keep them out of my house. That didn't work. Last night, I heard them. The sirens' song of the Oreo's. Circe warned Homer, but no one warned me. I went to the car and there they were again in all of their chocolatey beauty. Of course, my wife had to have a few since I brought them in. I didn't think she was happy with me at that moment...dangling that chocolatey goodness in front of her. But, it happened. I opened the bag. We ate half of the bag of Oreo's. In one sitting. Me more so than her. They were good. Very good. But now I remember why we don't buy them at the store. I will eat them if they are in the house. Quickly. As if they will never make more. I need to join OA. "Hi. My name is Ray. I am an Oreoholic."


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