Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Sorry no posting has been going on and not in the virtual world here. Just life.

This past week I have had two friends lose a parent to cancer. Of course, it brings up more memories of my mother dying of cancer in 2005. Cancer sucks.

You know everytime I think of blogging and what I am going to blog about, I really don't have the time to do so. It is aggravating at times, and then I also think...priorities. What are my priorities? Am I spending time on the things I need to? Case in point...I made sure I spent some time in the Word this morning before I logged onto my computer. If I don't do that first, I end up spending too much time on the computer and then I cannot open my Bible and opening my Bible and studying or just reading is more important in the scheme of things than getting on my computer to browse or post to the blog or whatever. OK, I am rambling. :)

Anyway, I read Romans 8:28-39 today and was doing a little study on it. Comforting passage of scripture. When things are just not going are suffering through things, like a death of someone or sickness or whatever, this is a passage to check into. God has good things planned for us, sometimes it is just hard to remember that in the midst of things. Another good scripture is just before that one in Romans 8:18. It is all perspective.

Gotta run...

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