I had a buddy of mine ask me about making sure the time on his routers were correct on his CME boxes because the phone times were off. I recommended setting up an NTP server and syncing to that...and here was the instructions I gave him.
You should probably check your time zone in the telephony-service portion as well since this is where your phones check for their time zone:
First of all, we need to make sure your time zone is
Log (telnet) into you router and go into config mode and
enter these commands:
router(config)#clock timezone GMT -6
router(config)#clock summer-time CST recurring
Then, you could either change the time yourself or
configure an NTP server. If you have a Windows 2008 server, I would set it up
as an NTP server and configure the router to check with it. Here is an article
we followed to get the server to be an NTP server locally:
Then on your router in config mode, do the following:
router(config)#ntp server x.x.x.x prefer
It will take a bit for the router to sync to an NTP
server, and quite frankly, you are probably better off to set the time manually
after you configure the NTP server since sometimes they don't want to sync if
they are too far off. So, to set the time manually...you actually don't have to
be in config mode, just at the enable prompt.
router#clock set 08:20:00 2 October 2012
To check to make sure it took, just enter this command…it
will show your current time and date and whether it is manual or NTP synced:
router#show clock detail
08:25:35.826 CST Tue Oct 2 2012
Time source is NTP
Summer time starts 02:00:00 GMT Sun Mar 11 2012
Summer time ends 02:00:00 CST Sun Nov 4 2012
router(config-telephony)#time-zone ?
This will bring up the number you need to put for what time zone you need:
router(config-telephony)#time-zone ?
1-56 select timezone name used by IP phones (offset in minutes)
1 Dateline Standard Time -720
2 Samoa Standard Time -660
3 Hawaiian Standard Time -600
4 Alaskan Standard/Daylight Time -540
5 Pacific Standard/Daylight Time -480
6 Mountain Standard/Daylight Time -420
7 US Mountain Standard Time -420
8 Central Standard/Daylight Time -360
So, for Central, it should be:
router(config-telephony)#time-zone 8
That should correct the time on the phones, but you may need to rebuild the cnf files. Still in telephony-service mode, issue these commands and it should help correct the time on the phones.
router(config-telephony)#no create cnf-files
router(config-telephony)#create cnf-files
That should fix you up!
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