Living Life in the Zone by Kyle Rote, Jr. and Dr. Joe Pettigrew
Handling scenarios and everyday occurrences in a Godly manner and being a better man of God is the theme of this daily devotional book. The book is written by men, for men and using 'Playmakers' as examples of how men deal with life situations. It is set up as a 40-day spiritual game plan and easily relates to men's lives.
The book is broken down into different sections or ‘zones’ in your life with which men deal on a daily basis: God, family, friends, jobs and your future. I enjoyed reading stories of famous people, such as James Brown from CBS to the not-so- positive examples of Michael Vick and Coach Bobby Knight. The book helped me look at my daily situations in a less selfish manner and more focused on God and what my priorities should be.
Even if you are a man that does not normally read books, you will look forward to reading the short daily devotionals in this book. The ‘thought of the day’ can help you remember the subject throughout the day and live your life ‘in the zone’.
I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255